Git Integration for IBM Planning Analytics

Git Integration for IBM Planning Analytics - Blog Cover

IBM Planning Analytics Workspace released a Git integration feature that allows users to interact with a Git repository directly from the Data and Models interface. This integration feature can significantly improve version control, server management, and collaboration.

Intro to IBM Planning Analytics

Intro to IBM Planning Analytics

IBM Planning Analytics is a multi-dimensional, in-memory, online analytical processing (OLAP) business performance management solution that facilitates strategic business planning, budgeting, reporting, and forecasting.

AI for Business: Unlocking Business Potential

AI for Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies is not just advantageous—it’s essential. Leveraging AI for business can position you for sustained success in today’s dynamic marketplace.

PAfE: IBM Planning Analytics for Excel

PAfE Blog Cover

IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAfE) is a Microsoft Excel add-in that empowers users to build sophisticated reports and perform ad-hoc analysis using real-time Planning Analytics data. The add-in offers five unique report types for users to create.

Best Released Planning Analytics Workspace Features by Month in 2023

Best Released Planning Analytics Workspace Features by Month in 2023-2

IBM Planning Analytics Workspace is the web-based interface for Planning Analytics. The tool expands on the capabilities of Architect and Planning Analytics for Excel (PAfE). Workspace (PAW) enables users to administer their server, create dashboards and visualizations, develop and maintain TM1 objects, and create applications and plans, directly from the interface. Read More about Workspace […]

The Business Benefits of TM1py

TM1py Business Benefits

TM1py enables IBM Planning Analytics users to do more with their data than ever before by leveraging Python’s abilities, expanding on IBM’s TurboIntegrator functionality, and integrating with previously incompatible systems.

Sustainability Performance Management: Helping Progress Your ESG Goals!

Sustainability Performance Management

Supporting environmental, social, and governance issues has quickly transformed from a nicety to a nonnegotiable aspect of any company. For example, 49% of global consumers paid a premium for products branded as sustainable in just the last 12 months.

If you want your company to be a leader in Sustainability, investing in Sustainability Performance Management tools is a crucial starting point.

Predictive Analytics for Leadership Support

Predictive Analytics for Leadership

Predictive analytics is a data-driven approach to forecasting future events. It involves using statistical models and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in historical data. Those patterns help predict future events, which is why predictive analytics for leadership is so valuable. Predictive Analytics Usage is Growing Predictive analytics forecast everything from consumer behavior to future […]

Ten FP&A Best Practices for Data Analytics

FP&A Best Practices for Data Analytics

FP&A ensures that businesses are utilizing their resources with the utmost capacity for growth – it is crucial to company strategy, execution, and performance. Your data has the power to improve budgeting, forecasting, reporting, and enable smarter decision-making. So, how do you make sure you’re milking the most out of your data? You follow these […]

The Top 10 Business Analytics Terms You Should Know

Business Analytics Terms

The Top 10 Business Analytics Terms You Should Know These are the Top 10 Business Analytics Terms you should know. Why are they important? Because understanding these terms will influence the way you look at data and the information you glean from it. Relating these terms to your business will bring more value to your […]
